Contact Us
When you are ready to make contact, we want you to have the best experience possible.
The best way to reach us is either by text or phone at 612-483-1835. If you call and get voice mail, please leave a message - it will automatically create a text for us on our end and that is the most expeditious way for us to respond.
You may also email us at however do keep in mind that some emails do not always come through due to the unknown mysteries of the internet. If you don't get a response within 24 hours, please follow up with a text or phone call.
Whichever way you chose to reach out, we are most grateful to receive your interest in Bowenwork, and look forward to being of service to you soon.
Thank you,
Maria Lofquist
Simply Bowen LLC
©2007 Simply Bowen/Maria Lofquist